Celebrating Churchill College’s thriving Engineering community at the All-Engineers’ Dinner

Groups of people seated socialising in the Dining Hall

Churchill College hosted its fifth “All-Engineers’ Dinner” this week – an event designed to unite and inspire the College’s community of engineers across generations and specialisations. Held twice yearly, the dinners have quickly become one of the most anticipated traditions in the College’s engineering community, providing students, alumni, Fellows, and industry professionals with a unique space to come together. This year’s event took place in the same week as National Engineering Day.

The dinner welcomed over 160 guests, including 82 current students and their guests, 55 alumni, and 24 fellows. Attendees included undergraduates, postgraduates, and participants in Churchill’s ACCEL leadership programme, as well as professional engineers from diverse fields.

The night began with a panel discussion titled “I Believe in Engineering,” chaired by Churchill College’s Master, Professor Sharon Peacock. The panel featured prominent figures in engineering and alumni who have made significant strides in their careers, including Churchill By-Fellow Dr. Carlos López-Gómez, Benefactor Fellow Greg Lock, Amy Johnstone, a specialist in offshore wind energy design and materials; and Ben Brierton, Head of Electronics at a Cambridge-based firm pioneering surgical robotics.

Each panellist showcased the potential of engineering as a powerful force for positive change. From Amy Johnstone’s focus on sustainable energy solutions to Ben Brierton’s work in robotics transforming healthcare, the panel covered a range of themes, inspiring students to think about how they might address complex global challenges in their future careers.

When booking for the dinner, students were also asked to select a “big challenge” aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including advancing clean energy, improving public health, and promoting technology accessibility. Their selections helped to inform the seating plan for the dinner, creating opportunities for students to network based on shared interests.

This event demonstrates Churchill College’s ongoing commitment to nurturing an engineering community where academic curiosity, professional growth, and lasting connections can thrive. This tradition represents more than just a formal dinner; it is a celebration of engineering’s impact and an invitation to be part of a transformative community that is helping to shape a better world. Dr Rachel Thorley

The All-Engineers’ Dinners were initiated by Dr Rachel Thorley, Churchill College’s CORE Fellow. In her role, Rachel leads community-building, outreach, and recruitment efforts within engineering, with a focus on strengthening Churchill’s engineering community both within and beyond the College. She has also developed several STEM outreach initiatives at Churchill, including Living Lab: Climate Action, in collaboration with the Royal Academy of Engineering, and Sustainable Urban Futures, in partnership with the Isaac Newton Trust.

Click on this link to see more images from the event: All Engineers’ Dinner Flickr Album