Decade: 2000

  • Lady Soames plants a tree for 50th Anniversary of the College

    Lady Soames plants a tree for 50th Anniversary of the College

      In October Lady Soames plants a weeping mulberry tree for 50th anniversary in the grounds of Churchill College, near the oak planted by her father on October 17, 1959. […]

  • First alumnus to win a Nobel Prize

    First alumnus to win a Nobel Prize

    Roger Tsien (G72) is the first alumnus to win a Nobel Prize, it was awarded for his discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, in collaboration with organic chemist […]

  • More space for music

    More space for music

    ‘Audit Feast’ renamed ‘Scholars’ Feast’ Exhibition to mark the original College architectural competition Opening of the New Study Centre and Music Rooms Cambridge University Radio (broadcast from Churchill) winner of […]

  • The sixth Master

    The sixth Master

    Sir David Wallace becomes the sixth Master Archives Centre acquires Prime Minister John Major’s papers Prince Bandar donates £1m to the Archives Centre sNjabulo Ndebele the first alumnus to receive […]

  • Students represented on Governing Body

    Students represented on Governing Body

    Students are admitted to Governing Body as observers for the first time Proposed honorary Fellowship for Margaret Thatcher is opposed by 20 Fellows Men’s football team wins the intercollegiate league […]

  • First alumna elected FRS

    First alumna elected FRS

    Carol Robinson (U80), a physical chemist, is the first alumna elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society She is currently President of the Royal Society of Chemistry

  • Bondi, Broers and Hawthorne houses opened

    Bondi, Broers and Hawthorne houses opened

    New graduate housing is opened, named after former Masters, Bondi, Broers and Hawthorne Housing is designed by Cottrell and Vermeulen architects Churchill’s first alumnus to become a Bishop is appointed, […]

  • Extension to the Churchill Archives Centre opened

    Extension to the Churchill Archives Centre opened

    The extension to the Archives Centre, housing the Thatcher papers, is opened (image copyright Julia (now Baroness) King is appointed as the first extraordinary Fellow

  • First female Professorial Fellow

    First female Professorial Fellow

    First female Professorial Fellow elected: Mary Jacobus. Post of Teaching By-Fellow created. Hugh Baillie-Scott’s Arts & Crafts house 48 Storey’s Way sold.