Peter Landrock is Danish and obtained his BA in mathematics and physics at Un. of Aarhus, Denmark, in 1970, and his diploma in mathematics in 1972. He spent 1972-73 at the University of Warwick on a research grant from the Royal Society and was awarded a Ph.D. in mathematics at Un. of Chicago in 1974. He joined the Math & Comp. Sc. Institute at Aarhus in 1975 and was a visiting fellow at Univ. College, Oxford in 1981 and Research Fellow at the IAS in Princeton 1982-83.
In 1985 he moved into cryptography and built a research group at Aarhus, today one of the largest in Europe. He served as President of the Internat. Assoc. of Cryptologic Research (IACR) in 1992-95. He first came to Cambridge in 1996 as one of the organisers of a major programme in cryptography and data security at the INI and has lived permanently in Cambridge since 2000.
In 1986 he founded Cryptomathic which supplies advanced security solutions to major banks and governments all over the world and has divisions in Aarhus, Cambridge, London, Munich and San Jose, Cal. Its expertise includes applications of Quantum Mechanics. He left Aarhus in 1997, where he was then awarded an Honorary Professorship.
He was a member of the Tech Adv. Board of the Microsoft Research Lab in Cambridge 1997-2010 and has served as Chair of the Newton Gateway to Math at the INI since 2014. He was recently elected Chair of the Director’s Advisory Board at the Niels Bohr International Academy, Un. of Copenhagen. He holds numerous patents in security and received a D.Sc. (hon) from Un. of Bristol in 2019. He has been a supervisor in math at Churchill since 2019.