
A special time to mark your success

Degrees are conferred by the University at a ceremony in the Senate House known as a Congregation. People due to take a degree (graduands) are presented for their degrees to the Vice-Chancellor (or deputy) by an officer of the College known as the Praelector. The Praelector for Churchill College is Dr John Fawcett.

Please note: Bookings close 3 weeks before each graduation date.

You cannot be awarded a degree until you have satisfied the necessary academic conditions.

For any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Tutorial Office.

Graduation options

Graduate in absence

You may choose to receive your degree in absence. In this case your certificate will be sent to the address given on your application. Certificates are normally sent within a week of the graduation ceremony.

In Absence Dates Only – Closing Dates

Friday 31 January: Booking Closed

Saturday 29 March: Sunday 9 March

Friday 11 April: Sunday 30 March

Graduate in person

On the days of degree Congregations, the Praelector hosts a lunch for those taking degrees in person.

Lunch is free for all those who are taking degrees. If you wish to bring any guests to the lunch the cost is £31 per head, and the number of lunch guests is not restricted.

We can offer up to two tickets for guests to the Senate House. Please ask to go on a waiting list if extra Senate House tickets are required.

A timetable of the day will be e-mailed to you approximately one week before the congregation, when timings of the ceremony are known.

Please see below for this year’s graduation dates.

MA Graduation

If you hold a Cambridge BA, you may proceed to the MA not less than six years from the end of your first term of residence, providing that you have already graduated with your BA degree. Once you have received confirmation from the Tutorial Office that you are eligible you may register to receive your MA degree in person or in absence.

Degree ceremony dates

We strongly recommend you read all the information on this page before booking.

Lent Term 2025

Friday 31 January (in absence only)

Saturday 1 March

Saturday 29 March (in absence only)

Saturday 5 April

Friday 11 April (in absence only for MA, Masters and PhD degrees)

Easter Term 2025

Saturday 3 May (Preferred MA graduation date)

Friday 23 May

General Admission 2025

(BA, BA with MEng, MMath or MSci, VetMB, and BTh degrees only)

Saturday 5 July (General Admission)

Long Vacation 2025

Friday 25 July

Michaelmas Term 2025

Saturday 25 October

Saturday 29 November

Dress code

Strict advice from the Praelector to those proceeding to degrees.

If graduands do not wear the prescribed dress they will find themselves in the embarrassing position of being excluded from the ceremony by the Proctors.

The following rules apply to academical dress worn by those proceeding to degrees:

  • A person who does not hold a Cambridge degree already (that is anyone about to receive a first degree or anyone whose previous degree or degrees were conferred elsewhere) must wear either an undergraduate gown, a BA status gown, or an MA status gown as appropriate, and the hood of the degree, or the higher of the degrees, which he or she is to receive.
  • A person who already holds a degree or degrees of the University must wear the gown and hood of the highest degree he or she has already received from the University.
  • In no circumstances should the academic dress of another university be worn.

Graduands may wear whatever clothing they are comfortable with so long as it conforms with one of the sets of acceptable styles and colours listed below. Please follow the regulations carefully. You should be all right if all your own clothing, except for the shirt or blouse, is strictly black.

Graduands must be dressed as follows:

Option 1


  • Plain black or a black dinner jacket and trousers. A jacket is mandatory even in hot weather.


  • Unornamented plain black, of sober style. Sandals, boots or shoes with buckles are not permitted.


  • Black, unpatterned


  • Plain white with a white bow tie and bands. Off-white or cream shirts or shirts with a noticeable pattern are not permitted. Shirts must be plain, and buttons should not contrast with the shirt (e.g. no black buttons on a dinner shirt).

Option 2

A black, very dark grey or very dark blue skirt suit or trouser suit. A dark skirt can be worn without a jacket, or a dark, long-sleeved dress can also be worn without a jacket. These must be dark enough not to contrast obviously with a black gown.

A plain, long-sleeved, white shirt or blouse (unless a long-sleeved dress is worn). A white bow-tie and bands may be worn (optional) but if they are worn they must be worn with a properly collared white shirt. 

If a white bow-tie and bands are worn with trousers they must be worn with a matching jacket. The overall effect should be conservative — excessively short skirts are not permitted.  If choosing to wear a white bow tie and bands, these must be worn together and not singly.


  • These need to be plain black. Dresses may have a plain white collar.
  • If wearing trousers, a jacket must be worn.


  • Unornamented black, of sober style. Sandals and boots are not permitted, nor are shoes with buckles, nor are coloured or very high heels. Please note that the walk to the Senate House is well over a mile.


  • You must wear a pair of tights — natural or black (black preferred); white or patterned tights are not permitted.

Blouses/shirts: white or black

  • Off-white or cream blouses are not permitted but black shirts are permitted and they can disguise the problems caused by a heavy hood attached to a lightweight blouse. Sleeves must be full length, even in hot weather.

Hoods and gowns

Those who are hiring hoods are advised to make early arrangements with the robe-makers, as there can be very heavy demand. Tattered gowns may also cause their owners to be excluded from the Senate-House by the Proctors.

A hood can be very uncomfortable if it rests on one’s neck and can give rise to an untidy look if it is attached to a lightweight blouse. Safety pins can help and graduands wearing option 2 can disguise the problems by wearing a black shirt, a black dress, a black waistcoat or black jacket, but heavy clothing is not a good idea if the weather turns out hot.

Cambridge Academic Dress Hire is available from Ede & Ravenscroft or Ryder & Amies.

Further guidance


  • The carrying of handbags has created difficulties and should be avoided.


  • Use of the square cap is recommended but is not mandatory. Inside the Senate-House the cap is carried under the left arm. It is placed on the floor during the conferment of the degree. No other head-dress is permitted (except for valid religious reasons).

Hair colouring and style

  • Exaggerated hair colouring and/or style is inappropriate for the degree ceremony and hairstyles should be neat and tidy.

National and military dress

  • National dress or service uniform may only be worn with prior permission. Please contact the Praelector at least 10 days before the ceremony, who in turn will make an application on your behalf to the Proctors.


  • Jewellery, except for wedding rings, small sober earrings and wrist watches, should not be worn.


Graduands normally kneel when admitted and the Vice-Chancellor pronounces the Trinity. This practice may be waived with prior notice to the Praelector in writing, as it will be necessary for them to make an application on the graduand’s behalf.

Please note that the walk to the Senate House is well over a mile. If you need assistance in making the journey due to accessibility requirements, please speak to the Tutorial Office.

An assistive listening / hearing enhancement system is available in Senate House. The approach/entrance to the building has no more than three steps and step-free access is available.

Certificates and transcripts

A service that allows you to access your official transcript electronically remains in place and has been enhanced to include an image of your graduation certificate. This subscription service to Digitary allows you to share documents on-line with other organisations such as employers or other educational institutions. Further information is available in the link below.

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