Giving to the College
Your support makes the difference.
Gifts from alumni and friends of Churchill College help us provide the best experience for our students today, and for the future.
Your support and giving creates opportunities by providing scholarships and bursaries for undergraduate and postgraduate students alike. The best provision attracts the best students and will see Churchill go from strength to strength as an academic institution and a nurturing community.
Registered Charity Number: 1137476
While the education provided by College is funded partly by government fees, the funding gap must be funded by the College from its endowment or other income streams. Gifts from donors help us offer bursaries and studentships, support for students, and develop facilities.
Why we need your support
We are committed to recruiting the most talented students, whatever their background, and bursaries help ensure more applicants from low-participation groups can apply. Increasingly, our expenditure includes providing pastoral support, and bursaries for around 100 students per year.
Benefitting the student community
Contributions in the last five years have supported several studentships for postgraduates, bursaries for undergraduates and ensured we were able to build Cowan Court, which means we are now able to house all undergraduate students on our site.
Supporting academic excellence
We have maintained high academic standards and also continue to have one of the highest proportions of state-educated students, around 80% of undergraduates.
Our educational expenditure includes providing the small-group teaching which makes the Cambridge experience unique.
Supporting research students
We are also continuing to raise funds to endow postgraduate student support, to provide studentships together with the Cambridge Trusts – with generous donations enabling the Gulbenkian-Yuval Studentship, for example. Complementing this is our current focus on postgraduate accommodation.
Fit for the future
To provide the best opportunities for our students, we need to make sure our campus and site are modernised, maintained and malleable ready to adapt to the needs of the next generations of students in a rapidly changing world. We’ve made excellent progress in making our site more sustainable but we rely on the College endowment to be able to respond to ongoing demands.
While the College receives a proportion of the £9,250 tuition fee that UK students pay and a proportion of overseas students’ fees, this funding does not meet all of Churchill’s educational expenditure.
In the financial year ending 30 June 2017, the College spent £4.7million on education- approximately £6,233 per student – it receives an income of £4,400 per student or £3.4million altogether.
The difference of £1,500 per student, or £1.3 million per year has to be made up from its endowment or other income streams.
The College is pleased to have a diverse student intake and funds over £300,000 of undergraduate bursaries every year.
The more of these we can fund from other sources, the more possible it is to invest funding on outreach and other areas of education. We already generate extra income via the conference business, but this has to be balanced with the use of our space for education and research.
Some funding comes from the College’s endowment- around £3million per year is drawn down from it to provide teaching, bursaries and subsidise accommodation to make it affordable for undergraduate and advanced students alike. Having been founded in 1960, Churchill doesn’t have the benefit of hundreds of years of accrued wealth. By building our endowment we can build security, sustainability and resilience into the College’s future. If you would like more information on College finances you can read the College accounts and annual reports.
By supporting any of the funds in College through a donation you are helping us to create opportunities, transform lives and educate the next generation of leaders in science, technology, politics and the arts. Thank you for helping us to go forward together.
The impact of your support
Your support helps provide bursaries, scholarships and access to opportunities. It helps make a difference not just in the students it directly impacts, but on wider society through what they are enabled to go on to achieve.
Thanks to the generosity of our funders and donors, we have been able to fund more bursaries and studentships each year, increase our postgraduate accommodation and undergraduate accommodation on site with Cowan Court, and open the Bill Brown Creative Workshops to deliver cutting-edge technology and facilities for our students.
Building our endowment will help us plan for the future and ensure the College can offer the best education.
Current fundraising projects:
Helping students in greatest financial need, and supporting students from diverse backgrounds.
- Studentships and bursaries: contributing towards the cost of study for students
- Subject-specific funds: financial assistance, grants and prizes
- General and endowment support fund: making our future more secure and less subject to circumstance
“A bursary gives me the opportunity to study here without having to worry about how I’m going to find the funds to support it, both with regards to my education, and my living outside of the course.”
Uri (U22), Medicine
“I came from a state school and none of my family had been to university. I am so grateful to be receiving a bursary. I don’t have to feel like I can’t do small things that other people can.”
Isadora (U&G20), Physics
Ways to donate
You can give us a gift to use in the area of most need, or you can select a particular project or fund you want to support. There are many ways to give, from a one-off donation, to recurring gifts or legacies.
Make a gift
Useful information
Tax-efficient giving
UK Taxpayers
If you are a UK taxpayer and you make a donation, the College can claim back extra money from the government through the Gift Aid scheme, making your donation worth even more. We can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give us, at no cost to you.
Plus, if you pay higher rate tax, you can reclaim the difference between basic and higher rate tax on your donation, via your tax return – saving you money.
Gift Aid Example | |
How your gift can give more: | |
Your contribution is | £100.00 |
Total contribution after charity has reclaimed tax | £125.00 |
If a higher rate taxpayer, you can reclaim additional tax of | £25.00 |
If a top rate taxpayer, you can reclaim additional tax of | £31.25 |
European residents
Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) is a collaborative giving scheme offered by a partnership of European foundations. Donors (both corporations and individuals) resident in one of the participating countries can offer financial support to non-profit organisations in other member countries.
Beneficiaries get the tax advantages of their country of residence. The scheme currently applies to donations to Churchill College in the following countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Belgium, Germany, Hungary and Spain.
To find out more please visit the TGE website. Alternatively, contact the Development Office or call +44 (0)1223 331660 for more information.
US Residents
If you are resident in the USA, you can make a tax-efficient gift to College through CAMBRIDGE IN AMERICA (CAm). To find out more please visit the CAm online resources.
Canadian Residents
The University of Cambridge is recognised by the Canadian Revenue Agency as a prescribed institution under Section 3503 of the Canadian Income Tax Regulations. We can send you a receipt for Canadian tax purposes on receipt of your donation, if requested. Please contact the Development Office or call +44 (0)1223 336240 for further information
Schemes supported by companies
Gift Matching Schemes
Many companies now operate gift-matching schemes. When an employee makes a gift to a registered charity, the company matches this donation (in full or in part). To find out if your company operates such a scheme, and to obtain a copy of their matching gift form, please contact your Human Resources or Personnel Department.
If you would like to increase the value of your support of Churchill College, please discuss the Matching Gift scheme with your employer.
Payroll Giving Schemes (UK)
Under the Payroll Giving Scheme, employees can authorise their employer to deduct charitable donations from their pay before calculating Pay As You Earn tax. This means that the employee automatically gets tax relief on donations at his or her top rate of tax. There is no limit on the amount that can be given under the scheme. To find out more about payroll giving, please contact your Human Resources or Personnel department.
Tax-efficient Gifts by Companies (UK)
When calculating their profits for Corporation Tax purposes, UK companies can get tax relief on gifts of listed shares and securities to Churchill College. UK companies no longer deduct tax from their donations, but simply pay the College the full donation and claim tax relief when calculating their profits for Corporation Tax.
For further information about how companies can help Churchill College, please contact the Development Director.
Donations of non-cash assets
We welcome gifts of listed shares and securities which attract relief from Capital Gains Tax and Income Tax. Gifts of land or property made during a donor’s lifetime attract the same tax incentives as gifts of shares, and other forms of non-cash gift (such as works of art, books, manuscripts and equipment) may also be considered as gifts to Cambridge.
Any UK listed shares and securities can be donated provided they are approved by our Ethics Committee. The extra advantage is that a donor can claim capital gains tax even after having used CGT relief elsewhere, as well as income tax relief.
To donate shares to the College please contact the Development Director on 01223 336197.
The process of donating shares can take a few days as we need confirmation in writing from the donor and to our brokers, Charles Stanley, in order to make the shares transfer from the donor account to the College’s share account. Our normal practice is to sell shares upon transfer though we may retain them in exceptional circumstances- to enquire please contact the Development Director, as above.
Illustration of the tax benefits of donating shares
- Highest rate taxpayers can claim income tax relief equal to 45% of the value of the gift
- Higher rate taxpayers are able to claim income tax relief equal to 40% of the value of the gift.
Taxpayer rate | Value of shares | Amount of income tax relief you can claim | Cost to you | CGT relief you can claim (beyond annual exempt amount) | Value to Churchill |
Basic rate taxpayer (20%) | £1,000 | £200 | £800 | 10% of capital gain | £1,000 |
Higher rate taxpayer (40%) | £1,000 | £400 | £600 | 20% of capital gain | £1,000 |
Additional rate taxpayer (45%) | £1,000 | £450 | £550 | 20% of capital gain | £1,000 |
Donate by Bank Transfer
Please notify the Development Office by email: [email protected] if you choose this option and ensure that the bank quotes your ‘Surname’ and preferred Fund to support i.e. ‘Grad Studentship Fund’ as the reference for the transfer.
- Bank: Lloyds Bank, 3 Sidney Street, Cambridge CB2 3HG
- Sort Code: 30-91-56 | Account number: 03114294
- Account Name: Churchill College Bursar’s Account
- IBAN: GB72 LOYD 3091 5603 114294
Donating via Cheque or the Charities Aid Foundation
Single gifts of any amount can be made by cheque, Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) voucher or online via the CAF website. Please make all cheques and CAF vouchers payable to ‘Churchill College’ and send them to the Development Office. The College receives no extra tax benefit from gifts made by CAF voucher.
Donate by phone or post
Alternatively, you can request a donation form or call us on +44 1223 336197 or +44 1223 331660 to donate securely over the phone.