Churchill College Association
From the day you become a member of Churchill College you are a member of the Churchill College Association.
The Churchill College Association was established to promote friendship between resident and non-resident members — Fellows, students and alumni.
Membership affords the opportunity for Churchillians to maintain links with The College and each other. Please get in touch and get involved – the Churchill College Association exists for all of you!

The Association organises a number of events which you are welcome to attend, in particular, the Churchill Association Annual Dinner, which takes place in September and coincides with the University’s Alumni Festival weekend. Other special interest groups, activities and events are organised throughout the year so please sign up for the College’s E-Bulletin and check the website for details.
The Churchill College Association Committee meets twice a year and its current Chair is Jayne Donora (U80). The Committee is always open to new ideas and feedback, and welcomes your involvement. It would especially welcome volunteers as year representatives.
Year Group Reps
The list of decade reps on our Association Committee has now been expanded to include representative for each year, and we are thrilled to have Year Group Reps across every decade, from 1961 to 2018.
Association Committee
The Churchill College Association Executive Committee meets twice per year and holds its AGM during the Association Weekend at the end of September each year.
If you are interested in joining the Committee as a decade representative or would simply like to be put in touch, please contact the Association.
Jayne Donora (U80)
Deputy Chair
Decade Representatives
- 960s Peter Clarke (U61) until 2025 & John McGee (U69) until 2025
- 1970s Trevor Cave (U71) until 2025 & Dr Cathy Elliott (U73) until 2027
- 1980s Jayne Donora (U80) until 2026 & Sue Brown (G83) until 2026
- 1990s Dr Andrew Ball (U90) until 2025 & vacant
- 2000s Beata Zygarlowska (G03) until 2024 & vacant
- 2010s vacant
Co-opted Members
Graham Thomas (U61) until 2025
Tim Cribb (Emeritus Fellow) until 2025
Dr Brian McGee (U&G99) until 2024
Representatives from the Common Rooms
JCR President
MCR President
SCR Representative
Current Fellows
Dr Adrian Barbrook (Vice Master)
Fran Malarée (Development Director)
Anny King (Churchill Review Editor)
Elizabeth McWilliams (Alumni and Events Officer)
The Honorary Vice-Presidents for Life
Lord Alec Broers (former Master)
Sir David Wallace (former Master)
Hywel George (Bursar 1972–1990)
Jennifer Brook (Bursar 1998–2017)
Mary Beveridge (Registrar 1984–1991)
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