Decade: 1980
Building of the Møller Centre
Møler Foundation undertakes to fund building of the Møller Centre. Malcolm Bradbury’s TV drama ‘Anything More Would be Greedy’ is filmed at Churchill.
College creates more ensuite rooms
Cloister infills undertaken throughout residential courts to create ensuites. Barrie Hesketh, Artist Fellow Commoner, paints Crucifixion at High Table
Honouring Stephen Roskill
First Roskill Memorial Lecture (biennial thereafter) Main concourse enclosed and its north side infilled with offices
A new Master
Sir Hermann Bondi becomes the third Master First female Honorary Fellow elected: Lady Mary Soames First female Junior Research Fellow elected: Linda Pollock
Governing Body to select future nominees for Master by election
Governing Body resolves to select its future nominees for Master by election. Governing Body votes not to renew the Master for a further term