Decade: 2020

  • ChuGives again – our second Giving Day

    ChuGives again – our second Giving Day

    36 hours and 3 funds to support current and future undergraduate students at Churchill College. Visit the Giving Day website to learn more about the three funds in focus […]

  • Churchill’s first Giving Day

    Churchill’s first Giving Day

    Our first-ever Giving Day, ChuGives ran for 36 hours in March 2022. During this time our entire community of alumni, students, Fellows and staff were encouraged to join together, from […]

  • Think Forward Campaign launches with in person event

    Think Forward Campaign launches with in person event

    We were delighted to welcome over 130 alumni and supporters of the College at an event to mark the in-person launch of the College’s Development Campaign, Think Forward last Tuesday, […]

  • College celebrates 60 years

    College celebrates 60 years

    Michael Cowan (U70) becomes first Winston Churchill Benefactor Fellow College celebrates its 60th Anniversary, however majority of events are cancelled due to Corona-virus. Students are taught remotely for Easter Term […]