Decade: 2020
ChuGives again – our second Giving Day
36 hours and 3 funds to support current and future undergraduate students at Churchill College. Visit the Giving Day website to learn more about the three funds in focus […]
Churchill’s first Giving Day
Our first-ever Giving Day, ChuGives ran for 36 hours in March 2022. During this time our entire community of alumni, students, Fellows and staff were encouraged to join together, from […]
Think Forward Campaign launches with in person event
We were delighted to welcome over 130 alumni and supporters of the College at an event to mark the in-person launch of the College’s Development Campaign, Think Forward last Tuesday, […]
College celebrates 60 years
Michael Cowan (U70) becomes first Winston Churchill Benefactor Fellow College celebrates its 60th Anniversary, however majority of events are cancelled due to Corona-virus. Students are taught remotely for Easter Term […]