Dr Lisa Jardine-Wright


A person with long dark hair, wearing a white collared shirt and a necklace, stands against a wooden-paneled background. They are smiling slightly and looking directly at the camera.






Lecturers, Professors and College Officers

Lisa Jardine-Wright studied for her MA, MSci in Physics at Trinity College, Cambridge and gained her PhD in Theoretical Cosmology under the supervision of Professor George Efstathiou at the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge. Her research focused on the formation and evolution of spiral galaxies, like the Milky Way, from the Big Bang to the present day. After her PhD she continued as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute and began her career in science communication and outreach. She was awarded a BA Media Fellowship at the Financial Times in 2004 and continues to write book reviews for the Times Higher Educational Supplement and Science and act as a consultant for BBC News magazine. In conjunction with her research, from 2004 to 2007, Lisa acted as the astronomy consultant for the £15 million redevelopment of the astronomy galleries and planetarium at the Royal Observatory Museum in Greenwich and from 2006 – 2013 was the Educational Outreach Officer at the Cavendish Laboratory.

Lisa currently lectures 1A Physics for the Natural Science Tripos (NST) and previously lectured IA Maths for NST. Her main role is as Director of a National Project, Isaac Physics (isaacphysics.org), that provides free resources for teachers and students to develop their confidence and fluency in physics and maths from secondary school through to University. The project is funded by the Department for Education, England and The Ogden Trust and has over 300,000 registered students and nearly 10,000 registered teachers (4th Jan 21). Since its inception in 2013, users have answered more than 65 million questions online (4th Jan 21).


Director of Studies — Natural Sciences (Physics IA & IB)
01 October 2012 – Present

Undergraduate Student Tutor
01 October 2012 – Present

Teaching By-Fellow
01 October 2009 – 30 September 2012