Dr Morag Hunter

Smiling woman with curly hair wearing earrings, standing outdoors with a scenic landscape of rolling hills and trees in the background.




Earth Sciences



Morag Hunter studied for her undergraduate and PhD degrees at Emmanuel College, Cambridge and gained her PhD in Geology under the supervision of Professor Mike Bickle in the Dept of Earth Sciences in 1997. She then worked as a research scientist for the British Antarctic Survey for 12 years working on large-scale changes in environment through geological time, both tectonic and climatic, as identified through changes in the depositional styles and geochemistry of sedimentary rocks. Morag is currently in charge of co-ordinating the undergraduate teaching programme in the Earth Sciences department and is heavily involved in first and second year teaching herself. She is Director of Studies in Earth Sciences at Churchill and also at Girton.

Morag is an enthusiastic rower, having successfully competed for Cambridge between 1993-1995, and is now an active part of the town rowing scene.


Director of Studies — Natural Sciences (Earth Sciences)
01 October 2012 – Present

Supervisor — Earth Sciences
01 October 2012 – Present