Ms Anny King


A woman with white hair, wearing a black top and a red scarf draped over her shoulder, stands in front of a stone wall with a window.







Anny is an applied linguist who studied Modern Languages (Russian and English) and translation studies at the Sorbonne in Paris, and Linguistics in Cambridge. She is a specialist in blended learning. She is also a teacher trainer, who has advised many University Languages Departments on the design of their language programmes and on their training needs, both here in the UK and abroad.

Anny was appointed Senior Language Adviser in the Language Centre, University of Cambridge in 1990, Deputy Director in 1995 and Executive Director in 2000. In 1994 Anny was elected a Fellow of Churchill College. She soon became Director of Studies in Linguistics and a Tutor for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. She is the editor of the Churchill Review.

Anny conceived and developed the Cambridge University Language Programme in six languages – an integrated ‘blended learning’ programme with online learning material developed in-house.

From 2003 Anny led several development projects for the production of interactive online language learning courses, such as Languages at Your Fingertips in cooperation with the BBC; CUTE (Chinese University Teacher Training in English); and also, English at Your Fingertips (a 500 hours online learning course at three levels).

She has written many articles on using technology to support language learning, authored language textbooks and online support material for various programmes including the BBC’s first online language material and the French Foreign Affairs Ministry’s first online interactive game. Anny has recently contributed a chapter in CUP’s Cambridge Guide to Blended Language Learning (March 2016) and authored the CUP White Paper on Blended Language Learning (July 2016).

Anny and her team won many awards for their interactive online material and their learner support methodology, e.g. the 2002 French Distinction for the interactive online game awarded for innovative methodology and content, the 2005 International Visual Communication Association Gold Award for Get into French for its learner-centred methodology, the 2006 European Award for Languages for the Junior CULP Programme.

Anny retired as Executive Director of the Language Centre in 2010 and was awarded the title of Emeritus Director by the University. She retired as an active Fellow from Churchill in 2016 and was made a Fellow Emeritus.

Between 2010 and 2012, she was a Senior Research Fellow advising the Malaysian Government in the integration of online resources into classroom teaching. Between 2011 and 2014 she was a Senior Consultant for STAR TV (India). She designed STAR English, a major English language course to be delivered through TV, mobile and online. In 2015 and 2016 Anny designed the Darley Course (a 14-week course in best practice in Business Administration) for online delivery for the Moller Institute.

In the last two years Anny has developed the Tes Institute interactive online course in French at 3 levels for school teachers; she has also reviewed Tes online International Teaching Certificate and re-wrote its content for online delivery.
In 1990 she was awarded the distinction of Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques by the French Government. In 2019 she became a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.


Director of Studies in Linguistics 1998-2012

Undergraduate Tutor 2000 – 2010

Postgraduate Tutor 2000-2014

Editor of Churchill Review 2015
– Present