Ms Jennifer Brook

A woman with shoulder-length blonde hair wearing a black blazer and a dark green patterned blouse, smiles at the camera. The background shows part of a gold-framed picture against a gray wall.





Jennifer read Chemistry at St Hugh’s College, Oxford and five years later did an MBA at Cranfield.

She started her career marketing books, then marketing financial services, then marketing business travel before taking on the travel publishing subsidiary of a major international travel and financial services group. The business was based in the UK but exported to all corners of the globe and Jennifer travelled frequently to see agents in Japan, the USA, Europe and the Far East.

Jennifer then spent a couple of years working in venture capital doing due diligence and research, before becoming Bursar of Churchill College on 01 January 1999. She retired as Bursar in February 2017.

Jennifer has three children and five step-children in their twenties. Between them, they attended seven universities in the UK.

She has been a governor in two schools and held a commission in the TA in her early twenties.


01 October 1999 – 30 September 2017

Title A Fellow
01 October 1999 – 30 September 2017