Professor Benedikt Löwe







Benedikt Löwe is a researcher connecting mathematics, computer science, philosophy and the social sciences. He is the Professor of mathematical logic and interdisciplinary applications of logic at the Universität Hamburg and is the chair-holder of the CIPSH chair ‘Diversity of Mathematical Research Cultures and Practices’. He is a member if the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS), the Secretary General of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST).

His research includes mathematical logic, in particular set theory and infinite games, as well as empirical studies of mathematics, in particular with applications to the philosophy of mathematics.

In Cambridge, Löwe was a Fellow of Corpus Christi College and a Bye Fellow of Christ’s College; he is Director of Studies for Mathematics at Lucy Cavendish College and St Edmund’s College. He lectures and supervises in Mathematics and History and Philosophy of Science.

At Churchill College, Löwe is an Extraordinary Fellow, Postgraduate Tutor, and a member of Council.

Löwe was a Visiting By-Fellow in 2017, an Overseas Fellow from 2017-2019, and has been an Extraordinary Fellow since April 2019. He is teaching for Parts II and III of the Mathematical Tripos and is external Director of Studies in Mathematics for Lucy Cavendish College.