Professor Christophe Eloy 




Fluid Mechanics


Overseas Fellow

Christophe Eloy is a Mechanical Engineer based in Marseilles whose research lies at the intersection of Fluid Mechanics, Physics, Applied Mathematics, and Biology. He combines experimental work, theoretical modelling, and numerical simulations to address complex interdisciplinary challenges. Notably, Christophe designed a 3D mathematical model that predicts flag instability, solving a classical problem in fluid-structure interactions. His work also revealed that the fractal dimension of trees is a result of the competition for light between leaves, offering new insights into plant morphology. More recently, he demonstrated how plankton can double their speed by ‘surfing’ on background turbulence, advancing our understanding of marine ecosystems.

In the academic year 2024-25, Christophe Eloy is a French Government Overseas Fellow of Churchill College.