Professor David Newbery


Man in a gray suit and checkered tie smiles slightly while standing against a textured gray wall.







David Newbery FBA, CBE was elected to a Fellowship in Churchill College and a lectureship in the Faculty in 1966, and directed studies in the College until 1988, when he became Professor of Applied Economics. He was Director of the Department of Applied Economics from 1988-2003. He took leave to go the World Bank, where he became Division Chief of Public Economics from 1981-3 and has been a visiting Professor at Yale, Stanford, Berkeley and Princeton. He was an associate editor of ‘The Economic Journal’ from 1977-2000, President of the European Economic Association for 1996 and President of the International Association for Energy Economics, 2013. He is now Emeritus Professor of Applied Economics but remains an active Director of the Cambridge Energy Policy Research Group.

Professor Newbery has published work on social cost-benefit analysis, commodity price stabilisation, tax reform in developing and transitional economies, and the privatisation and regulation of network industries such as electricity, gas and telecoms. He was elected a Fellow of the Econometric Society in1989, and of the British Academy in 1991. He was a Member of the Monopolies and Mergers Commission (now Competition Commission) from 1996-2002, chairman of the Dutch Electricity Market Surveillance Committee, and member of the Panel of Technical Experts offering quality assurance to DECC on the delivery of the UK’s Electricity Market, and is currently an independent member of the Single Electricity Market Committee of the island of Ireland.

Faculty profile


President, Senior Common Room
01 October 2010 – 30 September 2019

Director of Studies – Economics
01 October 1966 – 30 September 1988