Professor Ken Siddle

Man with white hair and blue eyes, wearing a suit, smiling slightly. The background is a blurred, warm-toned wood texture.







Ken Siddle was elected a Fellow of Churchill in 1982, and taught Biochemistry to Medical, Veterinary and Natural Sciences students until the mid 1990s. He was Vice-Master from 2012 to 2019.

He studied as an undergraduate and postgraduate at Downing College, Cambridge University and was awarded his PhD in Biochemistry in 1972. His first appointment was at the Welsh National School of Medicine (as it was then called) in Cardiff, but he returned to Cambridge in 1978 as a member of the University Department of Clinical Biochemistry and, apart from a sabbatical year at Harvard Medical School in Boston in 1989/90, he has remained in Cambridge ever since.

He was appointed Professor of Molecular Endocrinology in 1990, based in the Institute of Metabolic Science on the Addenbrooke’s Biomedical Campus, with Emeritus status following his retirement in 2014. His main field of interest is the biochemistry of insulin and insulin-like growth factors, including their receptors and intracellular signalling pathways and the dys-regulation of their actions in diabetes. He was formerly heavily involved in the organization and administration of postgraduate programmes in biomedical sciences. His outside interests include mountaineering, bird-watching and cricket, and he has been Senior Treasurer of Cambridge University Cricket Club since 1990.


Dean 1994-1999 and 2003-2004

01 May 2012 – 30 September 2019