Professor Markus Kraft

A man with glasses, wearing a suit with a red tie and a dark robe, stands in front of a wooden wall. A decorative urn is visible in the background.




Chemical Engineering


Lecturers, Professors and College Officers

Professor Markus Kraft is a Professorial Fellow of Churchill College and Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge. He is the CARES Director for the Singapore-Cambridge CREATE Research Centre. In this centre he is also a principal investigator in the ‘Cambridge Centre for Carbon Reduction in Chemical Technology (C4T)’ programme. He obtained the academic degree ‘Diplom Technomathematiker’ at the University of Kaiserslautern in 1992 and completed his Doctor rerum naturalium in Technical Chemistry at the same University in 1997. Subsequently, he worked at the University of Karlsruhe and the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics in Berlin. In 1999 he became a lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Cambridge from where he also obtained a ScD degree in 2012.

Prof Kraft has a strong interest in the area of computational modelling and optimisation targeted towards developing carbon abatement and emissions reduction technologies for the automotive, power and chemical industries. Together with his research students he has contributed significantly towards the detailed modelling of combustion synthesis of organic and inorganic nanoparticles and worked on fluidisation, spray drying and granulation of fine powders. Prof Kraft is also the Director of CMCL Innovations, a technology-intensive company, where he is involved in the development of software for the automotive and chemical industry, the design of carbon-neutral fuels and techno-economic assessment of advanced low emission technologies in general.

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