Student Support Fund
Making sure the best and brightest can come to Churchill, irrespective of background or the ability to pay.
Making sure that the best and brightest can come to Churchill to study, irrespective of background or the ability to pay is only possible with the help of student support.
Churchill has one of the highest proportions of undergraduate entrants from the state sector amongst Oxbridge colleges. It is therefore to be expected that a large percentage of our students will come from moderate- to low-income backgrounds. 104 Churchill undergraduates currently receive a means-tested Cambridge Bursary, funded by the College and the University at a ratio of 3:2. 68% of these students qualify for full Cambridge Bursary of £3,500 per year as their family income is below £25,000. Almost a quarter of a million pounds is needed each year for the College to fund this number of Cambridge Bursaries.
In addition, the College awards Hardship bursaries to both undergraduate and postgraduate students where unexpected and urgent financial need has suddenly emerged.
We have historically excelled as a College around the provision of student bursaries, thanks to the generosity of alumni and friends of the College. It is vital that the College continues to have your philanthrophic support so that we can provide this level of financial assistance that so many of our students need. Your gift will help ensure that the best young minds, from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply to Churchill and can thrive here.
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