The Barnaby Levy Memorial Travel Grant Fund
The Barnaby Levy Memorial Travel Grant will award a student travel grant of up to £500 for travel to be undertaken during the long vacation. Preference will be given to applicants who would not otherwise have the financial means to take the proposed trip.
A group of former Churchill College students have set up The Barnaby Levy Memorial Travel Grant in tribute to their friend Barnaby Levy, who studied philosophy between 2004-7.
Barnaby was talented, funny, kind and curious – a man with a legendary laugh, never one to turn down the opportunity for a debate, or a dance. He threw himself into making the most of his time at university and loved life at Churchill: acting in college productions, serving on the Spring Ball Committee, writing for Winston and maintaining a very active social life too. He always had a passion for travel and alongside his very successful academic studies found time to organise many far-flung adventures during the holidays, an approach he continued after graduation. While working as a lawyer in Hong Kong he also travelled widely around Latin America, the United States, Africa and South-East Asia – reliably returning to the UK for Churchill reunions and weddings, the life and soul of the party despite the long flights he’d taken to get there.

Tragically, in February 2020 Barnaby died in an avalanche while skiing in Japan. This travel grant is set up in his memory – to help Churchill students who would not otherwise have the financial means or opportunity to explore new parts of the world in a way he would have encouraged and enjoyed. So far two awards were made in 2023, and four in 2024.
One of the 2023 recipients of the travel grant says:
[The travel] would not have been possible without the generosity of the college and the Barnaby Levy Travel Grant Fund, which greatly subsidised the cost of travel and accommodation.
If you have any queries please contact [email protected]. To donate please visit the link below and select the ‘Barnaby Levy Memorial Travel Grant’ from the drop-down list.
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