Telephone Campaign
The Telephone Campaign is an annual campaign run by the Development Office.
The Campaign takes place over approximately three weeks and has two main objectives: to maintain links between current students and alumni, and to raise money for the College. All alumni are lifelong members of the College, and the Telephone Campaign helps to keep that connection alive. Many alumni really value the opportunity to speak to current students and find out more about the life of the College today.
Many also choose to pledge a gift during the Telephone Campaign and these donations are vital in enabling the College to continue to provide the best possible educational experience for our students.
All our callers are current students, who are looking forward to speaking with you!

True to the founding principles of the College, over 80% of our undergraduates are from state schools and nearly all require some level of additional financial support. We are reliant on generous alumni support to help ensure none of our students miss out on the opportunities available to them while they are in Cambridge.
Current fundraising projects
Our Think Foward campaign aims to raise at least £6 million for student support and the College’s endowment. Your gift to one of the fundraising priorities in this campaign will help the College to support future generations of Churchillians.

Class Giving
Class Gift Bursaries are means-tested Cambridge Bursaries named after particular year groups.

Winston Churchill Top-Up Bursary Fund
Ensuring students in the greatest financial need continue to flourish.

Postgraduate Studentship Endowment Fund
Helping meet the urgent need for postgraduate funding and support.
Meet our callers

Aidan Chaplain (U23)
“Hiya! I’m Aidan, a second year mathmo. I’m from a village at the foot of the Chiltern Hills in Buckinghamshire, and enjoy going on walks in the countryside. At Churchill, I have managed to keep up with a few activites alongside the maths – I am part of the Churchill College badminton team, and also in Easter term I started learning how to play croquet. I have also attempted a little bit of baking whilst being here, involving making a (rather burned) fruit cake for a friend’s birthday! I am so interested to find out about the lives of people who have studied here in previous years, and what memories you have of your time here at Churchill.”

Akua Osei-Dompreh (U22)
“Hi! I’m Akua, a 3rd year HSPS-er from East London. I love to do anything which involves creativity, especially crochet, water colours and music. My favourite place in College would definitely have to be the Zen garden because of the quiet you get there while enjoying nature. In the future, I hope to get into marketing or public relations (more focused on the political side though).”

Davina Wang (U22)
“Hi! I’m Davina, a second year (going into third year) Architecture student. I’m from New Zealand. In my free time I love painting and drawing, anything that help creativity flourish. This year I was the Co-President of the May Ball Committee, we organised an amazing night for all attendees making it significant part to their College memories. In the future I hope to become a professional architect bridging between the arts and sciences. I am excited to hear about the alumni of Churchill and share our experiences and explore Churchill through different perspectives!”

Emily Chard (U23)
“Hi, I’m Emily, a philosophy student from Manchester going into my second year of studying here at Churchill. In my free time I love to make use of the amazing facilities Churchill has to offer; you might find me in the Dance Studios, the Chapel, or the Bevin Library! I’m also on various different committees, being a representative for Churchill’s Christian Union and a JCR Entertainment Officer! I’m very excited to be part of the telethon and can’t wait to talk to so many interesting people!”

George Crimes (U20)
“Hi, I’m George! I’ve just graduated from Churchill after four years studying Modern and Medieval Languages. I served as our JCR Green Officer and was involved in the Boat Club, as a cox for most of my time! Next year, I’m hoping to come back to Cambridge as a College gardener! I love to talk about my year abroad, the College gardens and uni ballet!”

Lucy Underwood (U22)
“I’m Lucy, and I’ve finished my second year of Natural Sciences. I am one of the music directors in Churchill Jazz Band, and this year I was the Women’s Vice Captain in CCBC. I love an early morning out on the river, and coming back to a supportive academic community in college. I’m really excited to talk to alumni and share our different experiences at Churchill!”

Mridul Shrestha (U22)
“Hi, I’m Mridul, a second (going on third) year natural scientist. I have really enjoyed my second year at Churchill as I feel I’ve become really ingratiated within the community. This year I have founded my own society, Game Show Soc, where we host weekly game shows and was even on the May Ball Committee, where we were able to host an amazing night for so many students. Having done the telethon last year, I really enjoyed hearing about all the alumni’s personal experiences of the College, and I look forward to hearing even more of these stories this year.”

Noah Stewart (U23)
“Hi! I’m Noah, a first-year History and Politics undergraduate from London excited to be a part of the calling team this year. I have loved my time at Churchill so far, enjoying study sessions in the Bevin library, playing football on the fields and taking part in societies like the rugby team. I’m taking part in the telethon this year because I know the impact donations make to individuals and the wider college community ensuring we benefit from a diverse body and can fulfill the college’s values of sustainability and inclusivity.”

Sonya Badianova (U23)
“Hello, thank you for taking an interest in the Telethon campaign. My name is Sonya, I am a student of Churchill College, and in my free time I take opportunities to work in the canteen of the College and connect with my peers. In the future I hope to pursue enzymatic kinetics as a part of me studying chemistry. I believe that this campaign will greatly help to support the community of Churchill and provide a wider variety of opportunities to its students to pursue their academic goals. I am very excited to talk to alumni of Churchill to find out about their experiences in the College and share mine.”

Thomas Ralfs (U22)
“I’m a bio natsci who just finished their second year learning about plants, physiology and biochemistry with a brilliant cohort of peers and supervisors. Originally from Liverpool, I spent sixth form running round the mountains of Eryri/Snowdonia. However, in the flatness of Cambridge I run round the college grounds, compete in taekwondo and captain pole sports. Outside of training, I’m the academic liaison for the Cambridge alternative protein project and spend a large percentage of my time squirrelled away in the Bevin library armchairs typing furiously atop the planks. Churchill provides the perfect environment for learning and has helped lay the foundation for my future in agricultural research and mycorrhizal interactions. I hope this telethon can raise funds that enable Churchill to continue providing these beautiful facilities to future students, creating the next generation of scientists.”

Zohaa Sheikh (U22)
“Hi, I’m Zohaa! I just completed my second year studying HSPS, with a focus in Politics and Sociology. I was born and raised in London but am ethnically Pakistani. I play for the University’s women’s ultimate Frisbee team which is great fun; I also enjoy having casual games of football and badminton with my friends. I have also grown into quite the Formula One fan, I love keeping up to date with all the races and developments. One of my favourite places in College has got to be the Zen gardens, evening walks through there with my friends is a must, it is such a beautifully calm area. I very much look forward to taking part in the telethon, as this will be a great opportunity to practice my interpersonal skills while updating alumni about the amazing developments across College!”
Information for alumni
When and where does calling take place?
The Telephone Campaign is taking place between 17th September and 4th October. Calling will take place between 18:30 and 21:15 on weekdays, between 10:00 and 17:00 on Saturdays, and between 15:00 and 20:00 on Sundays. All calls are made by current students or recent leavers, and they are ringing from the Sixties Room in Cowan Court, here in College.
Why do students apply to be callers?
Usually it is because they want to give something back to the College. They understand the importance of fundraising, and the direct impact that your donations have on their educational experience.
Students are paid £12/hour for their hours worked and are given an allowance towards accommodation and meals. (This is not funded from donations received during the Telephone Campaign.) This covers the costs of them staying in College during the vacation period, to make use of the Library and other resources for their studies. The Telephone Campaign specifically takes place outside of Full Term in order for it not to interfere with their studies.
Furthermore, students acquire valuable communication and negotiation skills, which help to prepare them for their future careers. The campaign is great work experience for their CVs. The calling team is also a fun and sociable working environment.
Are the students trained?
Yes, the students receive two full days of training. The students are also supported throughout the duration of the campaign by the Development team and a dedicated call room manager.
How do I know if I will be called and am I able to opt out of a campaign?
We invite a group of alumni to participate in calling and they will receive either a letter or email from us in the weeks leading up to the campaign. We hope you will choose to accept the call and engage with our students on the understanding that there is no obligation to make a gift.
You will always be contacted before a campaign and given the opportunity to opt out. Please let us know if you would prefer not to be called this year by completing the online opt out form on this page or by emailing [email protected].
If you would like to support the campaign by making a gift, but do not wish to speak with anyone or are unavailable during our calling times, you are still able to do so by using the online donation form on this page.
Can I make a gift over the phone?
We are always grateful to those who choose to make a gift to the College during their call. It is quick, easy and secure to make your gift over the phone. Our students can set up paperless direct debits for regular gifts or transfer you to a DTMF (dual tone multi-frequency) line to make a single gift using your telephone keypad. Calls from the campaign will show as originating from our Development Officer’s phone number which is +44 (0)1223 331660. If you are worried that the call might not be genuinely from the College, please contact our Development Officer on [email protected] who will be able to reschedule your call.
Can I choose which area of College my gift will support?
Yes, you can specify where your gift is allocated. You may find the above “areas of support” section helpful. The student you speak to will also be able to give you more information about the specific funds during your call. Alternatively, if you are happy to allow the College to apply your donation to the area of greatest need, you can choose to give to our unrestricted Think Forward Fund.
Can I choose how much I give and for how long?
Yes, you can choose the amount, frequency and length of your gift. You can also cancel, amend, reduce or increase your donations at any time, simply by contacting the Development Office. Please email [email protected] or call +44 (0)1223 336163.
Can I help the College other than by making a gift?
Please speak to our callers about mentoring opportunities if this is how you would prefer to support the College and its students. Signing up to our free, online mentoring platform Churchill Connect is the best method for volunteering in this way.
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