Academic Vacancies

The appointments are for up to three years. There is no stipend attached to these By-Fellowships, and no entitlement to accommodation in College. The duration of a Post-Doctoral By-Fellowship is 3 years, conditional on continuing employment in the University.

Postdoctoral By-Fellowships are advertised annually and further information will be available here when the applications open.

Postdoctoral By-Fellows contribute to a significant community of postdocs among the Churchill Fellowship (around 60 in all, including Junior Research Fellows and Teaching By-Fellows as well as Postdoctoral By-Fellows). They are full members of the Senior Common Room with generous dining rights, access to sports and music facilities, and varied opportunities for participation in the academic and social life of the College. Research expenses can be claimed up to £1000 p.a. The positions involve no formal teaching requirement, although it is hoped that appointees will participate in mentoring postgraduate students or contribute to the College’s academic mission in other ways. Opportunities for undergraduate teaching may be available in some subjects. Two By-Fellowships will be reserved for candidates in STEM disciplines who can demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and express a willingness to continue that mission in College, for which a further £1000 honorarium is available.

Joint Application Scheme for Early Career Research Fellowships

A number of Early Career Research Fellowships are offered each year by the participating colleges (currently Churchill College, Clare College, Fitzwilliam College, Murray Edwards College & Trinity Hall). The Fellowships are normally tenable for three years and are open to graduates of any University who have recently completed their doctorate or are close to completion. These Fellowships are intended to be early (first or second) post-doctoral positions appropriate to the start of an academic career.

The administration of the Scheme is conducted by the Fellowship Administrator at Churchill College.

Find our current Junior Research Fellows


Applications for tenures starting in October 2026 will open in the second week of October 2025.


Fellowship Administrator
Churchill College
Storey’s Way

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