Churchill College mid-winter photo competition

We are running a mid-winter College photo competition over the winter holiday period! Any current Churchill students, staff or Fellows are warmly invited to take part, including partners or family members living on the College site.

There are four different categories; Holiday, Nature, Community and My favourite place in Churchill. All entries must be connected to Churchill College in some way. Further details on each category can be found below. You can submit one entry per category for consideration. You are welcome to send us multiple images, if you are happy for them to be shared on College platforms, but if you do this, please remember to identify the specific image you would like to be considered.

A selection of branded College stash prizes will be awarded to the winner and runner-up in each category. The winners will be announced in the College Community News due to go out at the end of January 2023.

  • Category 1: Holiday – Images celebrating the holiday season, that are visually connected to the College in some way
  • Category 2: Nature – Images of the College’s grounds and gardens
  • Category 3: Community – Images of people at Churchill College
  • Category 4: Your favourite memory of Churchill College – Images submitted in this category can have been taken at any point in the last 12 months

Please send your entries to [email protected] with the following subject line: Mid-winter photo comp / category name / your name

If you would like to submit an entry for more than one category, please send a separate email with your entry for each category.

Competition terms and conditions

  • Entries close at midnight on Wednesday 18 January 2023
  • You can submit one entry per category
  • Images must have been taken within 12 months of the 18 January 2022
  • All entries must be connected to Churchill College in some way
  • The photo(s) you submit must be your own work
  • Photos may be landscape or portrait, and can be colour or black and white
  • If your photos feature people, you must obtain their permission to use their image before submitting your entry. This is the photographer’s responsibility
  • Entrants agree for their photos to be used on the College website and in marketing materials for the College. All images submitted will be uploaded to the Churchill College Flickr account and given a name credit, unless you advise otherwise. Entries will also be passed on to the College Archives as a record of College life
  • Entrants agree that the College may alter their image for promotional use eg cropping or adding text)
  • All entries will be anonymised before being passed on to the selectors

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]