Double the Green Impact for Churchill College!

A metal bucket filled with gardening tools is on a green shelf. Nearby are empty plant pots and a fluffy seed pod. A note with text is hanging above, and the background shows a blurred outdoor scene.

It’s Platinum again for Churchill College at this year’s Green Impact Awards, making it six years in a row that the College’s work in this area has been recognised with the highest status available! The College was also awarded “Excellent” for the Seed Library, a Green Impact Excellence Project submitted jointly with Jesus College.

Green Impact is the University of Cambridge’s environmental accreditation scheme. It supports and encourages departments and colleges across the University in reducing their environmental impacts. The overall Platinum award and the excellence project will be celebrated in an ceremony at a Sustainability Showcase event on Wednesday 21 June.

The team submitted an excellence project report for the Seed Library after having received microgrant funding from Green Impact to buy more tools, pots, seed labels and other equipment for the College’s student greenhouse. Read more about the Seed Library and the Green Impact Excellence Project.

A huge thank you to all of the Churchill community who have worked so hard to ensure our sustainability standards are being maintained and developed year on year!