Making and design

Showing 1 to 5 of 5

A group of people gathered outdoors around a table. One person demonstrates a small turbine while others watch attentively. Trees and a fence are visible in the background.


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A woman stands at a whiteboard covered with colorful sticky notes, pointing at them as she speaks to four colleagues seated around a table in the sunlit office. Engaged in a design meeting, they all have laptops and notebooks ready to capture the creative flow.



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Close-up of a computer circuit board with intricate pathways and components, all in a gradient of pink to purple hues, showcasing the elegant complexity that lies at the heart of computer science.

Computer Science

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A close-up of a laboratory setup with glowing red and blue laser beams passing through various optical components, including lenses and mirrors, arranged on a metal platform.

Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

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Photo of model building for architecture course


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