Decade: 2010

  • New graduate housing opened

    New graduate housing opened

    The new graduate housing at 36 Storey’s Way is opened in September 2019 by the Vice-Chancellor, Stephen Toope The housing cost £5million, £3million was donated by alumni and friends of […]

  • Philip Sales (U81) appointed to the Supreme Court

    Philip Sales (U81) appointed to the Supreme Court

    Sir Philip Sales (U81 and honorary Fellow)  is appointed to the UK Supreme Court A new boat ‘Shall we Fly’ is donated to Churchill College Boat Club by Lydia Luckevich

  • Postgraduate numbers rise above 400

    Postgraduate numbers rise above 400

    Postgraduate numbers rise above 400

  • Cowan Court opened

    Cowan Court opened

    Cowan Court opened by HRH The Duke of Gloucester who cut the ribbon at the entrance to Cowan Court as part of a ceremony attended by 130 guests comprising: Fellows […]

  • New boathouse opened

    New boathouse opened

    New boathouse (with King’s, Selwyn, and Lees School) opened. 64 Storey’s Way (Pinchin Riley House) reconstructed. Sir Winston’s papers added to UNESCO Memory of the World Register. Boat Club wins […]

  • Seventh and first female Master

    Seventh and first female Master

    Dame Athene Donald becomes the seventh and first female Master. The College receives a visit from the Duke of Edinburgh as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations. 50th anniversary of […]

  • Post-doctoral non-stipendiary By-Fellowship scheme launched

    Post-doctoral non-stipendiary By-Fellowship scheme launched

    Post-doctoral non-stipendiary By-Fellowship scheme launched First alumna appointed a dame: Carol Robinson (G80)

  • First election of an alumna as Honorary Fellow

    First election of an alumna as Honorary Fellow

    First election of an alumna as Honorary Fellow for Dame Carol Robinson (G80). John Gurdon, former Fellow, awarded Nobel Prize, jointly with Shinya Yamanaka, for Physiology or Medicine “for the […]

  • First alumna appointed to the House of Lords

    First alumna appointed to the House of Lords

    First alumna, Sal Brinton (U81), appointed to the House of Lords

  • College celebrates 50th Anniversary

    College celebrates 50th Anniversary

    The College celebrates its 50th Anniversary with numerous events throughout the year including the 50th anniversary Summer Ball and 50th anniversary exhibition on the College’s scientists. Robert Edwards, Fellow, awarded […]