Have you been looking for ways to get involved?
For some time now we have been looking to expand our list of decade reps on our Association Committee to include year group reps, and we would be delighted to have your involvement. These will be a group of alumni, with at least one and no more than three per year, who will help the College keep in touch with alumni from their year. These year group reps will work with the College to encourage alumni from their year to:
- Attend events such as reunions
- Provide archival information
- Tell us what they have been up to since they left Churchill
- Give feedback on the College’s plans for alumni and fundraising initiatives
- Suggest events or other initiatives the Alumni and Development office might undertake to maintain good relationships with alumni
The time commitment need not be large to make a difference, and there will be many benefits to both the College and our alumni. We envision that the role would not require more than sending the occasional email, or posting on Social Media as appropriate, and attending an annual update on activities, usually organized to coincide with the Churchill Association Weekend in September.
How to Volunteer:
If you would like to volunteer to become a year group rep, are interested in learning more or know someone who you think might be a good candidate, please contact the Alumni and Development office at [email protected].
Learn more about the Churchill College Association