Churchill College welcomes all visitors, and we aim to be an accessible space for everyone.
At Churchill College, a full accessibility audit, engaging multiple stakeholders informs our strategy and progress.
More detailed information about specific areas of the College, plus a general overview of accessibility, is available from the Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre website. For general enquiries about accessibility, please contact the Estates and Operations Director.
Accessibility at Churchill
Recent improvements include adding ramped access to the Buttery bar, creating a fully accessible 700m circuit through the extensive College grounds and gardens, and adding a ‘Changing Places’ toilet, one of only four in Cambridge and the only one known to be in a Cambridge college.
As well as considering physical accessibility needs, we are currently working to address how the College can help people with sensory challenges, particularly in an auditory capacity.
Site access
The Churchill College site is generally level and accessible, with ramps to most areas, including the main entrance. The site is large, however, and the music centre recital room and some of the graduate student accommodation are a fair distance from the main entrance and Porters’ Lodge. The chapel at Churchill College is at the rear of the site, over 600 metres from the main entrance.
Plans which provide information about access to the College buildings, including accessible lifts and toilet facilities, are available from the links below.
The College’s meeting rooms and public areas are all accessible via ramps.
There is step-free access to the Bracken Library reading room. The Wolfson Hall toilets are also located on the ground floor. The nearest wheelchair accessible toilet is on the main concourse.
There are four dedicated disabled parking spaces available for the use of visitors and members of the College with disabilities. Additional parking spaces can also be reserved.
Student Support
We welcome students with disabilities, neurodiversities, and mental health difficulties at Churchill College.
The College and the University work together to offer the maximum possible support to all students. If you receive a definite offer, do ensure you let us know if you will require any support or advice when you come up to Cambridge.
The earlier that we are aware, the better we are able to ensure that all possible arrangements you require are in place before you start here (e.g. study skills support, suitable accommodation and exam access arrangements). You may also find that you are eligible for the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) or other available funding to support your needs.
Like all the Colleges at Cambridge, we work in close cooperation with the Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre. Their dedicated team of experts provide support, advice and guidance for disabled students and students with specific learning difficulties. With your permission, our College staff can liaise with them to create a support plan that meets your needs.
We have accommodation which can meet varying accessibility needs. When you apply for accommodation at Churchill College, make sure you include your requirements and they will be taken into account.
We are keen to ensure that the College Library meets your individual needs. Please come and talk to us if we can help at any time. We arrange tours of the library for all new students in October, however, we are always happy to meet you one-to-one to discuss any access needs and offer a personalised introduction to the library.
We regret that there is no wheelchair disabled access to the Bracken Library Gallery or the Bevin Library. If you need help accessing a resource in one of these areas, please contact the Library team.
The bookshelves in the library are tall, and the higher shelves are reached with the aid of kick-stools. The Library team offer a Click & Collect service where we can fetch books and deliver them to your pigeon hole. Alternatively we can set up a proxy borrower on your account. Please get in touch if either of these would be useful.
Standing desk and other ergonomic aids
There is an adjustable workstation in the Lloyds Computer Room, near the Bevin Library, which can be raised to a standing height.
Book stands, laptop stands and reading lecterns are available at the entrance to each reading room, also blankets and stress balls (to alleviate study stress and hand strain from extended typing). We also have a small number of LED desk lamps with adjustable colour-spectrum and light intensity. Ergonomic aids can be used anywhere within the library reading rooms. Please do not remove them from the library.