During these testing times it’s reassuring to hear about all of the hard work being done by the Churchill Community to both manage and inform about the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as other work and achievements that have taken place. Here’s what has been happening in the last few days.


Fellow and statistician, Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter, won the MRS President’s Medal at the annual Market Research Society Awards for informing public discourse with data-driven insight.

Fellow and economist, Professor Diane Coyle, wrote about why ‘building back better’ needs national investment for people and planet.


Honorary Fellow and alumna, Dr Helen Czerski, will be presenting one of the BBC Radio 4 2020 Christmas Lectures, titled Planet Earth: A User’s Guide. In lecture two, airing 29 December, Helen will talk about the part our oceans play in the climate crisis.

Student Juejun Xue (G20) has been awarded with the NanoDTC associate award, competing with over 50 PhD students across STEM subjects at Cambridge.

Honorary Fellow and alumna, Professor Dame Carol Robinson, will be leading a new Nanoscience Institute at Oxford. The new Kavli Institute for NanoScience Discovery (Kavli INSD) at Oxford will be a unique combination of structural biology with world-leading biochemistry, pathology, chemistry, physics, physiology and engineering.

We will continue to keep you informed of all of the work being done by the Churchill College Community. If you have any news you would like to share, please get in touch by emailing comms.manager@chu.cam.ac.uk.