During these testing times it’s reassuring to hear about all of the hard work being done by the Churchill Community to both manage and inform about the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as other work and achievements that have taken place. Here’s what has been happening in the last few days.


Fellow and Statistician Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter commented on how COVID-19 deaths are calculated, and spoke of how a lack of testing means we will never know the full extent of the coronavirus death toll in the UK.

Fellow and Social psychologist Dr Sander van der Linden commented on the psychology of why face coverings are causing so much upset.

Fellow and head of the Fluids in Advanced Manufacturing group, Dr Ronan Daly, is the co-lead in the development of the ‘Active Ventilator Sharing Device’, which it’s hoped could eventually halve the number of ventilators needed during another pandemic.

Fellow Economist Professor Diane Coyle was featured in a Quartz article looking at the products people value more in a pandemic, and joined the Talking Politics podcast to discuss what the pandemic has revealed about the changing nature of work.


In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, we held a virtual celebration to recognise the achievements of our 2020 graduates.

Members of the College attended the virtual Green Impact Awards where we received a Platinum Award for the third year running.

Fellow and Director of Studies for Law, Professor Matthew Kramer, joined the Dare to Know podcast to discuss Objectivity and the Rule of Law as part of their ‘Philosophy of Law’ series.

PhD Student Ramit Debnath had his research on using machine learning to understand narratives of energy and climate injustices published in Energy Research and Social Sciences.

Fellow and Group Director of Assessment Research and Development at Cambridge Assessment, Tim Oates, discussed how much more of the right kinds of assessment are needed in primary schools.

We will continue to keep you informed of all of the work being done by the Churchill College Community. If you have any news you would like to share, please get in touch by emailing comms.manager@chu.cam.ac.uk.