
You must read the information on due dates outlining the process for payment of fees and charges, and any advance arrangements. This was sent to you by email when you were confirmed as meeting your conditions for study. If you cannot find it, please email the Postgraduate Office ( for a new copy.

You will have met a financial condition as part of your application to study, and you are required to have the funds in place to live and study in Cambridge for the duration of your course. Once you are here, there is usually no further financial assistance available. If you have funding for one year or three, it is strongly advised that you complete your studies within that time period.

Please check the information under Fees and Costs on this page.

You should set up a UK bank account as soon as you arrive in Cambridge. There is guidance on this on the Banking Information page for new students.

Council Tax

Full-time students have no liability for Council Tax provided that they are only living with other students. You may be asked to provide proof of student status for Council Tax purposes. The Postgraduate Office can help with this – do not ignore letters about Council Tax.

Dependents of students are liable for Council Tax unless they themselves are students or have a visa stamped ‘no recourse to public funds’. Dependents may be eligible for a reduction on the grounds of low, or no, income in the household if they complete a form for Housing and Council Tax Benefit. Legal liability for payment of the Tax lies with the tenant and not with the dependent concerned or with the College.


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