Tutorial Support

Every student is assigned a College Tutor. Tutors are concerned with your welfare and progress throughout your time at the Churchill. They should be your first point of contact for any matter concerning yourself and the College, or for help on any personal or financial matters. Tutors can also act as intermediaries in official relations between postgraduate students and the University.

Academic difficulties are primarily the responsibility of your Research Supervisor or Director of Studies, but you may find it helpful to discuss these matters with your Tutor.

All students are expected to work adequately and appropriately, and meet the University’s requirements for residence and terms of study. If there is anything making it difficult to comply with these, you should speak to your Tutor and seek support from the Wellbeing Coordinator as early as possible. A student’s place in the University or College membership can be at risk if they are not able to work to the required level, so please contact your Tutor for help if there is any cause for concern.

Please note that students are required to abide by the Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the College and the University.

Rebecca Sawalmeh and Lily Hunter are the two primary administrative officers for postgraduate students in the College. They are available throughout office hours (usually 8:30am-4:30pm) in the Postgraduate Office and you are welcome to pop along to say hello, or bring any questions or queries.


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