Everyday Life

When you arrive at Churchill, please go to the Porter’s Lodge which is located just inside the main entrance on Storey’s way. If you arrive during office hours, pop along to the Postgraduate Office on the main corridor a short distance from the Porters’ Lodge. The Postgraduate Office is usually open from 8:30am-4:30pm. If you arrive later in the evening, please come and see us the next day.

You can find out how to get to the College on the transport and parking page and there’s a map of the College site here. The University’s official online map can help you find your way to almost every part of the University.

Life in Cambridge is busy, and this is especially true in the first few weeks. You will have inductions, meet new people, and settle into University life. Our Postgraduate Induction Calendar has information regarding events for new postgraduate students happening in the first week of term.

The University Information Service provides the core of IT and Internet access across the University. You must check their website for instructions on setting up your University account, accessing email, and other services. The College’s Computing Support team can help you with access to IT resources on the College site.

Cambridge “LibGuides” provides excellent guidance to library resources and study skills – including information and digital essentials for Masters and Doctoral students. The University Language Centre supports teaching and learning of languages throughout the University, including refining academic English and learning additional languages.

The College has excellent provision for postgraduates coming to Cambridge with their partner and children, and families form an important (and lively!) part of our community. It is important to make arrangements for nursery places and school admissions as early as possible. Find out more on our families page and the University’s childcare support pages.


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