GP Registration and Medical Questionnaire
As a full-time student you are eligible to use the National Health Service (NHS) in Britain. It is a University rule that all students will be required to register with a local doctor within the first two weeks of term.
Guide to the NHS for International Students
When you arrive in Cambridge, you must register with a local doctors’ surgery. You may register slightly in advance of your arrival (using Churchill College as your home address), but you must only do this once you have met all the conditions of your offer (academic, financial, etc.) and your place is guaranteed.
Once you have done so, please record the surgery address and contact details in your personal tile in your CamSIS Student Self Service Account –
How to add your doctor to CamSISÂ
Being registered here in Cambridge will not preclude you from seeing your GP when you are at home (this can be done by completing a temporary resident’s form). Cambridge GPs have experience dealing with students, and working with the University and Colleges. You will need GP registration in case of illness. This is especially important if you need special exam arrangements or allowances to be made.
If you have other questions about registering with a doctor, visit our Healthcare FAQs page.
Please visit the NHS website to find a suitable GP practice, using your postcode to find nearby surgeries:
If you need to access an NHS dentist whilst in Cambridge, you can search for local dentist practices here:
For International Students, please note that the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS)Â pays for access to healthcare services but does not cover individual treatment costs such as prescriptions, dental treatment and eye tests. Unless you have a valid exemption, you are liable for NHS dental charges.
New Student Medical Information Questionnaire
You are required to fill in a questionnaire with details of your medical history. The information that you give will be confidential and the form will be retained by the Welfare Team for consultation as required. Please complete this questionnaire prior to arrival in Cambridge.
The information is essential for the health and well-being of every student. It will help the College to ensure that a student’s academic work suffers as little as possible from disability or ill-health. Even apparently minor problems can affect both work and examination performance, and it is naturally in your best interest that the information you supply is accurate.
Please fill-in this online pre-arrival questionnaire:
Medical Information Questionnaire
Important to bring with you from home
The College Nurse strongly advises you to bring homely remedies such as painkillers and cold remedies.
Useful Medical Information For Students
University Information on Health and Wellbeing
Vaccine Information
Please read the information provided by the University in the following links and ensure you are up-to-date with any required vaccinations.
Vaccination Information August 2024
It is also recommended that your polio vaccine is up-to-date.
For all medical enquiries relating to incoming students contact the College Nurse.